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Delayed Onset PTSD

  Delayed onset PTSD is when you do not develop a PTSD diagnosis until at least six months after a traumatic event. Sometimes, it can take years for the PTSD symptoms to appear until a recent stressor enters your life when you least expect it. Once you have developed PTSD symptoms, you need to getRead More

Will I Ever Live in the Alignment of My Soul’s Purpose?

Trauma and abuse that happens during any stage of life can change a person’s perspective. Early trauma can alter life with the onset of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, bipolar, or addiction that can occur right away or develop later in life. Without proper diagnosis or treatment to manage symptoms, someone’s purpose mightRead More

Trauma-Induced Nightmares

  It is common that those who are struggling with trauma have trouble sleeping. The traumatic event you went through may be keeping you up at night or creeping into your dreams. It is important to do anything you can to ensure you get a good night’s sleep to feel better when you wake upRead More

How Do I Jump Back From a Relapse?

The hope in your recovery is to keep you from going back out there and doing more research with drugs and alcohol. With no cure for addiction, there may come a time when you experience a weak moment and give in. Relapse happens, and if a relapse happens to you, the best thing you canRead More

Should My Convictions Be Rooted in Recovery?

Those in the recovery world could misunderstand the word conviction. Many of us have been convicted of crimes that have been a product of addictively consuming drugs and drinking alcohol. Under the influence, we have done things that we would never attempt sober. If your legal convictions stem from drinking and using, your convictions inRead More

Every Body Can Benefit From Yoga

Yoga has excellent benefits for everybody with anybody. Every body can benefit from yoga, regardless of shape, size, or experience. Yoga is a practice that you can implement in your recovery to help you thrive. Combined with mindfulness and meditation, yoga has benefits that you didn’t know were there. Continue reading to learn more aboutRead More

Why You Cannot Ignore Trauma

  People going through trauma can either face it head on or pretend that it does not exist. The trouble is that ignoring your trauma is not going to make the nightmares go away. It is important to stop ignoring your trauma symptoms in order to stop it from interfering with your life. Trauma AffectsRead More

Can I Really Succeed at Recovery?

  Succeeding at recovery looks different for everyone, but we all question whether or not we really can be successful in our recovery. Keeping up with your recovery is a lifelong journey. You must work at it every day to be successful. Although there will be challenges, it’s worthwhile. How you think about yourself andRead More

What Is the Vision for Recovery?

The stereotype of addiction may have given you the ability to keep going longer with your substance use than you needed to. Often people have the vision of a homeless person on the street or an insane person exhibiting violent acts. A “functioning” addiction is easily overlooked because when you do not fit the mold,Read More